Название книги: Cross Over to HTML5 Game Development. Use Your Programming Experience to Create Mobile Games
Год: 2018
Автор: Zarrar Chishti
Страниц: 261
Язык: Английский
Формат: pdf, fb2, epub, mobi
Размер: 5 MB, 4 MB, 2 MB, 2 MB

Описание книги “Cross Over to HTML5 Game Development. Use Your Programming Experience to Create Mobile Games (2018)”: 

This book was written with a simple goal in mind: to help seasoned programmers from other disciplines to cross over to HTML5 game development.

No apps need to be purchased. No special hardware or software is required. As long as you have a simple computer with Internet access, you can start today.

How quickly you build this game is entirely up to you. For each major step we come across, you can decide to either study the technical aspects or skip ahead to the next step. Either way, by the end of this book, you will have a playable game to show off to friends and family.

This book is perfect for anyone that just wants to roll up their sleeves and start developing a game for themselves. I believe that by the end of this book, you will be in a far better position to make a decision on whether you want to invest your time and money in becoming a qualified games developer.


Chapter 1: Introduction
Part 1: Setting up Our Folders 
Part 2: Setting up Our Files
Hosting and Media Files
Part 1: Your Computer vs. Hosting Servers 
Part 2: Download the Media for Your Project

Chapter 2: In the Beginning, There Was HTML

Hello World 
Background Image 
Adding the Rest of the Images 

Chapter 3: Time to Apply a Little CSS

Start with a Quick Test 
Our Background Image
Our Other Images 

Chapter 4: Apply Intelligence with JavaScript 
Why Do We Need to Resize?
How Do We Universally Resize? 
Let’s Resize Our Images

Chapter 5: Take a Shot: Part 1 
Changing Our Cursor and Registering a Click 
Making Our Gun Act More Realistic
Animating the Gun with Sprite Sheets 
Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 3 
Part 4 
Reloading Our Gun 
Firing Our Gun 
One Last Thing… 

Chapter 6: Where Are the Zombies?
Creating a Zombie: Part 
Creating a Zombie: Part 
Moving the Zombie Closer
Creating All the Zombies 
Generating a Zombie Life Cycle

Chapter 7: Take a Shot
: Part 2 
Hitting a Zombie
Making the Hits Count
Zombie Down! 
Part 1: Create Six Bubble Zombie Elements 
Part 2: Activate the Counter Bubble Zombie 
Part 3: Animate the Bubble Zombies 
Reloading the Gun
Clean up the Depths and Click Zones
Part 1: Ensuring Gun Fire
Part 2: Zombie Depth Levels
Intro Splash and “Game Over” Screens 
Part 1: Images Folder
Part 2: Stopping and Starting 

Chapter 8: Add Some Bling to Our Game 

What’s the Score? 
Sprinkle of Special Effects 
Part 1: Get Started 
Part 2: Displaying the Effects
Turn up the Sound Effects 
Part 1: Getting Started 
Part 2: Adding Sound Effects 
Embedding the Game
Part 1: Getting Started 
Part 2: Modify the default.html File 
Game Over. Restart?

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