Название книги: Автоматизация рутинных задач с помощью Python: практическое руководство для начинающих (ENG)
Год: 2015
Автор: Al Sweigart 
Страниц: 603
Язык: Английский 
Формат: pdf, mobi, epub, fb2
Размер: 5.9 Мб, 4.6 Мб, 4.5 Мб, 7.5 Мб,

Описание книги “Автоматизация рутинных задач с помощью Python: практическое руководство для начинающих”:

The software is at the core of so many of the tools we use today: Nearly everyone uses social networks to communicate, many people have Internet-connected computers in their phones, and most office jobs involve interacting with a computer to get work done. As a result, the demand for people who can code has skyrocketed. Countless books, interactive web tutorials, and developer boot camps promise to turn ambitious beginners into software engineers with six-figure salaries.

This book is not for those people. It’s for everyone else.

On its own, this book won’t turn you into a professional software developer any more than a few guitar lessons will turn you into a rock star. But if you’re an office worker,
administrator, academic, or anyone else who uses a computer for work or fun, you will learn the basics of programming so that you can automate simple tasks such as the following:

  • Moving and renaming thousands of files and sorting them into folders
  • Filling out online forms, no typing required
  • Downloading files or copy text from a website whenever it updates
  • Having your computer text you custom notifications
  • Updating or formatting Excel spreadsheets
  • Checking your email and sending out prewritten responses

These tasks are simple but time-consuming for humans, and they’re often so trivial or specific that there’s no ready-made software to perform them. Armed with a little bit of programming knowledge, you can have your computer do these tasks for you.


Part I

  1. Covers expressions, the most basic type of Python instruction, and how to use the Python interactive shell software to experiment with code.
  2. Explains how to make programs decide which instructions to execute so your code can intelligently respond to different conditions.
  3. Instructs you on how to define your own functions so that you can organize your code into more manageable chunks.
  4. Introduces the list data type and explains how to organize data.
  5. Introduces the dictionary data type and shows you more powerful ways to organize data.
  6. Covers working with text data (called strings in Python).

Part II

  1. Covers how Python can manipulate strings and search for text patterns with regular expressions.
  2. Explains how your programs can read the contents of text files and save information to files on your hard drive.
  3. Shows how Python can copy, move, rename, and delete large numbers of files much faster than a human user can. It also explains compressing and decompressing files.
  4. Shows how to use Python’s various bug-finding and bug-fixing tools.
  5. Shows how to write programs that can automatically download web pages and parse them for information. This is called web scraping.
  6. Covers programmatically manipulating Excel spreadsheets so that you don’t have to read them. This is helpful when the number of documents you have to analyze is in the hundreds or thousands.
  7. Covers programmatically reading Word and PDF documents.
  8. Continues to explain how to programmatically manipulate documents with CSV and JSON files.
  9. Explains how time and dates are handled by Python programs and how to schedule your computer to perform tasks at certain times. This chapter also shows how your Python programs can launch non-Python programs.
  10. Explains how to write programs that can send emails and text messages on your behalf.
  11. Explains how to programmatically manipulate images such as JPEG or PNG files.
  12. Explains how to programmatically control the mouse and keyboard to automate clicks and keypresses.

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